MBTI ENFJ Personality Analysis

ENFJ--Protagonist | Educator | Teacher | Brother Great Sword

📔 ENFJ高级人格档案








ENFJ is one of the results of MBTI professional personality test. ENFJ means extroversion (E) + intuition (n) + emotion (f) + judgment (J). ENFJ refers to suppliers. Supply is the act of providing others with necessities. Suppliers are naturally keen to serve others to ensure that they have a sense of material adequacy and group belonging. They consciously assume the responsibility of taking care of the people around them and arranging their welfare treatment. They are also the most sociable people among the idealists. No matter where he goes, he will assume the role of social devotee and happily devote his time and energy to ensure that the needs of others are met, the tradition is maintained and developed, and satisfactorily perform his social responsibilities.

Type analysis

Because of their kindness or gentleness, they are more willing to choose the role of custodian. Moreover, they seem to like to become suppliers rather than protectors. They account for 2-5% of the population, which is a good thing for us, because cooperation and convenient society are the key to their human structure. They are good at working with their assistants and are tirelessly concerned about the details of all goods and service arrangements.

These expressive custodians are graceful, talkative and uneasy because they live alone. Even in a group of strangers, they can have a pleasant conversation. They showed a keen interest in small talk. They are more accustomed to thinking about visible rather than fictional things, and are easy to realize and discuss major or difficult things in people's life. They can't grasp abstract topics, but they tend to listen to recognized authorities, talk about theories about abstract things, and often rely on officially recognized views as their criteria and basis for judging things.

Social tradition is of great significance to suppliers, and their conversation often drifts to nostalgic narration of the experiences in the past good days. At the same time, because suppliers express their prediction of sadness and bad luck and show an infectious tragic tendency, they exert excessive pressure on others. They need to control their fear of the idea that the worst is bound to happen.

Suppliers are overly sensitive and are very willing to express this emotional response. They can express like or dislike quickly, and put the people they care about in a prominent position; For those who don't like it, it's rarely mentioned. They always mind the surface and take others' opinions on their personal commitments very seriously. His personal criticism will defeat them. Only when they and their services are recognized will they effectively perform their duties. They want to be needed and spend time and energy proving that they are trustworthy. They will become frustrated by being treated unkindly and are used to taking responsibility for any possible mistakes in their system or interpersonal relationships.

When choosing careers, suppliers may prefer service industries. When dealing with sales matters, suppliers demonstrate any personification of sales. They obviously and honestly think about the welfare of customers. Therefore, customers buy not only goods from them, but also personal welfare. Their character makes them perform well in the work of many people. They rarely arouse the anger of leaders because they are duty and service-oriented, respect and obey rules and regulations. Loyal to the boss and able to be a competent private secretary and Office Receptionist.

Type description

For ENFJ type people, the most important thing is interpersonal relationships and opportunities to communicate with others. ENFJ people have strong leadership temperament and extraordinary ability to manipulate others. This ability mainly comes from their excellent interpersonal skills and sales talents. ENFJ people believe in their dreams and regard themselves as rescuers and capable people, and often they do.

ENFJ people are omni-directional learners with broad vision and attention. Some people can quickly carry out a series of amazing projects at the same time. Many ENFJ people have strong entrepreneurial ability.

When describing ENFJ people, we always think of organizational ability and decision-making power. However, unlike SJ or NTJ people, they can organize the environment or sudden difficulties. They can better organize various events in interpersonal communication. Their offices may be clean or messy, but they can summarize people's motives faster and more flexibly than JFP people.

ENFJ people understand and appreciate others. Like most NF people, they ignore themselves and their own needs and pay great attention to the needs of others. They have less psychological defense than others, so when they communicate with people who feel dull, they often have the risk of being wronged or even scolded. Therefore, ENFJ people are under greater pressure than others.

Friendly and cordial; The conversation is cordial, smooth and appropriate; Emotional involvement, easy to get hurt; Creative; Act decisively, even arbitrarily; Strong ability, strong sense of responsibility and planned work.

Type characteristics

ENFJ people love human beings. They value people and relationships more than anything else. And they naturally care about others. They love life and feel that they are closely related to everything.

Because they are idealists and value their own values, ENFJ people are very loyal to the people, undertakings and work units they respect and admire. They have energy and enthusiasm, a sense of responsibility, prudence and perseverance.

ENFJ type people have a natural tendency of self-criticism. However, because they think they are responsible for the feelings of others, ENFJ people rarely criticize others in public. They know very well what is (or is not) appreciated behavior, and they are very kind, charming, temperament and good at social relations. ENFJ's human nature is peaceful, broad-minded and smooth, which will promote the harmony of surrounding relations. They are natural leaders, popular and have leadership temperament. They are good at communication and often use their eloquence.

ENFJ people make decisions only based on their feelings about the problem, not the facts. They are very interested in the possibilities outside the reality and the impact of these possibilities on others.

Born with a sense of order, ENFJ people like an organized world and expect others to do the same. They like to get things done, and sometimes others are making decisions.

ENFJ people are compassionate and can understand, support and help others. They look at people, have a sense of responsibility and are serious. Because they are idealists, they always see the good side of others.

Blind spot

ENFJ type people are so serious and emotional that they sometimes get too involved in other people's problems or emotions. Sometimes they choose a career that is not worth their time and energy. When things don't succeed as expected, they will feel lost, disappointed or desperate. This will make them flinch and make them feel unappreciated. ENFJ people need to learn to accept the limits of their abilities and those they care about. They also need to learn to challenge the battlefield and maintain realistic expectations.

Due to the strong demand for harmony, ENFJ people can ignore their own needs and practical problems. Because they always avoid conflict, they sometimes maintain a relationship that is not honest and fair. ENFJ people are so concerned about the feelings of others that they ignore important facts that may bring criticism and hurt their feelings. ENFJ type people learn to accept and deal with contradictions and conflicts is also very important, because it is also an integral part of interpersonal relationships.

Because they are enthusiastic and eager to meet new challenges, ENFJ people sometimes make wrong assumptions or make too hasty decisions, and they have not collected all important information. They need to slow down and pay attention to the details of their plan. Waiting for enough information to act can reduce many mistakes.

ENFJ type people attach too much importance to emotion, which leads to the actual consequences of their behavior. Trying to pay attention to facts, not just people, will help them make more reasonable decisions.

ENFJ people love to accept praise, but they are very vulnerable to criticism. They will be very grumpy for this. They are hard to accept harmless and well intentioned criticism, and they usually express panic, sadness or anger. Their behavior will become very unreasonable and even completely irrational. ENFJ type people should stop, take a step back, and see the situation objectively before taking action. Trying to be less sensitive can make an ENFJ person get a lot of important and useful information from positive criticism.

ENFJ people are very idealistic. They always think that the world is what they imagine or hope. They believe in ideal interpersonal relationships and turn a blind eye to facts that contradict their beliefs. ENFJ people who have not learned to face reality will eventually ignore the problem rather than find a way to solve it. In short, ENFJ type people need to be more clear-minded

Career satisfaction

1. It enables me to establish and maintain a close and mutual relationship with my colleagues, customers and customers.

2. Allow me to solve the problems in my project creatively, and my efforts can pay off.

3. Let me see that my work has a good prospect, my contribution is appreciated by others, at the same time, I and my career can be developed, and my progress is encouraged by my colleagues.

4. It can make me a member of another group of creative people. At the same time, I am also full and have a sense of achievement.

5. Allow me enough time to explore creative solutions to problems, and then share them with people who support and care about me.

6. My work environment is positive and challenging, and I have the right to manipulate multiple projects at the same time.

7. In my work, I can give full play to my organization and decision-making ability, have autonomy over the projects I am responsible for, and bear certain responsibilities for them.

8. My work is highly variable and allows me time to plan it methodically.

9. My working environment is relaxed. There is no conflict or mutual suspicion between people.

10. It gives me the opportunity to contact new ideas and allows me to explore some new methods that can make people's life better.

Suitable career field

Information dissemination:Advertising business manager, public relations expert, Communication Director, writer / reporter, artist / artist, fund raiser, recruiter, entertainment venue director, TV producer, news broadcaster, politician, marketing director (radio, television, cable broadcasting industry), computer graphics designer, editor (magazine), graphic artist, web editor Multimedia Producer, writer, journalist, managing editor

ENFJ is the coach's communicator. They like to try to understand and please others, so they are generally resourceful and diplomatic. They prefer to communicate with people with their mouth rather than pen, but some ENFJ are also great writers. They often talk face to face with people to understand the little-known side hidden behind the story. Collecting information in this way is what they like. In fact, the fields of advertising, public relations and fund-raising are a satisfactory field for ENFJ, but the condition is that they must believe that their creation, contribution and goals are valuable to the society, and the working atmosphere is not too competitive and contradictions are not too prominent. ENFJ can quickly establish good interpersonal relationships with its customers, customers and colleagues. They may generally become lobbying and influential agents, producers, recruiters and politicians. They are natural and charismatic leaders. They are happy to do something for people large and small to facilitate their lives.

Consultant: Psychologists, service providers, career consultants, private lawyers, new job introduction consultants, interpreters / translators, drug control consultants, employee legal counsel assistants, career recovery consultants, educational psychologists and employment guidance consultants

Many ENFJ are willing to help others get happiness and satisfaction in life through self-understanding, and they also get the satisfaction they bring while helping others. They are happy to help their customers notice their situation and overcome difficulties. ENFJ is generally an enthusiastic, enthusiastic and influential treatment expert. They will like to be a priest, because as a priest, they can share their own values with others and help themselves and their people tap their maximum potential. They can easily see the possible options or solutions of things, and can help their customers see them as well.

Education / Services: Health care / Art / Drama / English teacher, University professor of humanities, discipline director, librarian, social worker, director of non-profit organization, special education teacher, early education teacher, bilingual education teacher, child welfare worker, social worker (serving the elderly), director of assisted living health equipment center, director of child health center Program supply office officer, charity consultant, education planning director, social welfare service and public service director, high school / college life science teacher, parent guidance, child development instructor, music conductor, public health educator, college and university administrators, urban and regional planners, sociologists and adult day care administrators

ENFJ prefer to enter the education office because they have the opportunity to work directly for others and help others grow and develop. They hope to teach courses that enable them to focus on clarifying and expressing the far-reaching meaning of the material world for their students. They need a harmonious and cooperative working environment that can accommodate all opinions and encourage the sharing of each other's views and feelings.

Service organizations are also attractive to ENFJ because they have the opportunity to work hard for themselves and others to improve their living standards. They have the desire to be leaders because they have as much control over their work as possible. They hope that their efforts will achieve positive results.

Health care: Holistic health practitioners (beyond traditional medicine), dietitians / nutritionists, speech pathologists / audiologists, occupational therapists, masseuses, traffic wardens, orthopaedic therapists

In the rapidly expanding health care industry, these occupations can fully ENFJ's ability to observe, diagnose and treat patients. ENFJ are willing to explore the root causes of patients' psychological, emotional and mental diseases. They are very interested in those novel and unconventional treatment methods, and like to seek the basic principles of creativity in occupational therapy and language pathology.

Business / Consulting: HR development trainer, sales trainer, HR recruiter, travel agent, manager supervisor (small business firm), programmer, sales director, manager consultant: diversification / team building, team trainer, new job introduction consultant, eco-tourism expert, labor relations manager, conference planning, marketing manager, set designer, hotel manager Talent supervisor, desktop publishing expert, special event planner

Various jobs in the consulting industry can make ENFJ obtain professional satisfaction, because these workers can work independently without being controlled by others while maintaining a close and friendly relationship with others. ENFJ is an excellent recommender and trainer, especially in helping others improve their own quality. They always actively carry out creative design for new plans and service projects, and hope to step into the manager and supervisor level of small companies or institutions, because only in this way can they have more influence, enjoy the richness of their work, have the opportunity to explore new ways of doing things, and ensure that they have certain control.

Technology: Consumer relations management personnel, employee defense lawyers (technical consultants), coaches, project managers, contract managers and human resources recruiters

With the continuous development of technology, the demand for talents is increasing. Of course, these talents must be compound talents who not only understand technology, but also have strong communication and communication skills. Therefore, the identity of technician and end user attracts the majority of ENFJ. They find that these jobs not only satisfy their desire to help others, but also keep them in close contact with their partners.

Possible Traps

Don't base your decision on subjective feelings. Use objective analysis to help you see the logical consequences of your possible actions. Remember: you don't automatically see the causes and consequences, so seek help from friends who can help you. Don't give up a choice just because you hate someone in this company, and don't affirm a job or a company completely because of some positive factors.

Don't accept criticism and rejection in a personal manner, and accept constructive criticism and feedback as intended. Relying on the support and encouragement of your friends will help you to be discouraged occasionally in the tense job search process. When someone wants to get a job or interview but is rejected, please don't blame yourself too much for the time being. ANN is a challenge to his adaptability and an obstacle you have to overcome.

Focus and collect all necessary facts; While paying attention to the people you know, please pay attention to the details and reality. Don't concentrate on making new friends and ignore the boring work in your job search. Don't believe what others say. You should ask as many questions as possible to understand how the job or the company is.

Be realistic about what you may be doing and the people you associate with; See the real side, see their weaknesses. Consciously prevent idealizing people or showing your absolute loyalty to others. Dare to face up to contradictions and misunderstandings quickly and directly, do not escape, but also prevent them from expanding and complicating.

Do not make a hasty decision; Doing a lot of research will make you think twice. Before giving an answer to any offer, be sure to have enough time to think things over to make sure the job is really right for you. Don't rush to finish everything, or you may miss the coming day, or the job you accept may not be what you want.

Work Advantage

Excellent communication and expression skills; Natural leadership and cohesion; Enthusiastic and unrestrained, and have strong ability to seek cooperation; Resolute and organized; Eager to push through the old and bring forth the new; Blend with other people's feelings, be able to foresee other people's needs and sincerely care for others; Broad interests and flexible mind; Be able to look at the overall situation and have insight into the relationship between behavior and consciousness; Urge yourself to make achievements and achieve the goal; Be responsible for the cause you believe in

Work Defect

Unwilling to do things that conflict with their own values; Easy to idealize interpersonal relationships; It is difficult to work in a competitive and tense environment; Have no patience with those who are inefficient or have dead brains; Avoid conflicts, easy to neglect unpleasant things; It is easy to make a hasty decision before sufficient evidence is collected; Unwilling to admonish subordinates; Easy to make mistakes due to rashness; Easy to meet small-scale management and never give up control; Using your ability is actually very simple.

The secret of ENFJ's success is to slow down your hurried pace; Appropriate waiver of certain control rights; Treat everything around you objectively.


One thing that often comes to mind is emotional relationships. Creating and maintaining a meaningful and beautiful relationship is the source of happiness in your life. Whether you are dealing with business people, friends, family or lovers, you attach great importance to developing a quality relationship and ensure that it continues to grow. When you are in love, as an extrovert, you must like to communicate with your close partner, express your love and gentle feelings in words, and find out what your partner really cares about. Most educators like to spend time with their partners; I can hardly stand when the other party is away. Although you may have many friends, you want to bring your partner into your social circle as much as possible.

Crisis: your 100% emotional investment in your lover may make you feel overloaded - you lack the energy to take care of yourself because you are busy taking care of your lover's needs. You may tend to take things too personally, so you will feel hurt when your partner says something that sounds critical but is not. For example, if the other half just wants to tell you that you are beautiful, you may feel sad and mistakenly think that it is an ironic blow, because he was indifferent in the last 15 minutes. Now you think he is making intentional comments on your appearance just to please you. If so, the dispute will really begin now.

Nevertheless, at the beginning of a love, your lover can't do anything wrong. Although you have keen insight in many fields, when it comes to love, you will still fall in love with an ideal concept of how to feel a relationship, even though the real face may be very different from what you imagined. When the relationship progresses slowly, you will begin to expect the other party to pay unconditionally and treat you with the same loyalty and unswerving love. If you think the other person doesn't give you the same standard of care and support, you will convey it in a very direct and sometimes unpleasant way.

Best type of love: if you are a female educator, you will have a good relationship with a male educator or the opposite male adventurer (ISTP). With him, you may enjoy real excitement (boating, rock climbing, drag racing or beginner bungee jumping), and you will feel the most enjoyable life ever. If you are a male educator, you can get along well with female educator, journalist (enfp) or philosopher (infp). You can also have a successful relationship with the adventurer type (ISTP) opposite to you. The adventurer's down-to-earth pragmatism will keep you from getting out of touch with real life. At the same time, her relaxed and casual personality can calm your emotions when you are troubled by those interpersonal problems.

If your ideal lover is an educator, you can find an educator in the leadership of business, education and government agencies. They have very good social skills and are easily accessible. Don't make your educator lover jealous. Indeed, some educationist lovers are very possessive and jealous. To avoid problems, when you date an educator, avoid paying too much attention to other attractive people. Although educators are confident in many fields, they will feel insecure in their love relationship. They want an eternal guarantee, both in words and actions. Please show your concern for them. Give educators the attention and verbal love they desire. They will repay you with generous warmth and love, making you feel like the most loved person in the world.

Educationist lovers' love is very intense. They are not ashamed to tell their partner's inner feelings. Therefore, when educationist lovers feel that their feelings are threatened by their partner's words or actions, educationist lovers will naturally express their feelings of injury or anger. At the same time, because of their emotional response, educators will take conflict and veto very seriously, whether it is true or just what they think. As a result, they are easy to be hurt and hate for a long time. From a positive point of view, educators believe in marriage. They will be very loving and willing to give. At the same time, they are also very attractive. It's a pleasure to be with them. Not only that, educationists can often inspire their partners and lead them to the peak of love and happiness. When you meet the right educator lover, you will be immersed in the happiness of being loved, please, supported and concerned.

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