MBTI ISTJ Personality Analysis

ISTJ——Logistician|Civil Servant|Inspector|Blue old man

📔 ISTJ高级人格档案








Istj (introverted, feeling, thinking and judgment) istj type people are serious, responsible and reasonable social firmers. They are trustworthy, they value commitment, and for them, words are solemn oaths. Istj people are meticulous, practical, thoughtful and realistic. They are highly focused, organized and accurate. Whatever they do, they are quite organized and reliable. They have unswerving and thoughtful thoughts. Once they begin to believe that they are the best way to act, it is difficult to change or become depressed.

Character characteristics

Istj people are very quiet and diligent, and have a strong memory and judgment of details. They can cite accurate facts to support their views and apply past experience to current decisions. They attach importance to and make use of logical and objective analysis, complete their work on time with an unremitting attitude, and always arrange in an orderly and organized manner. They attach importance to the necessary theoretical system and traditional practices, and are impatient with those who do not do so.

Istj people are always traditional and cautious. They listen and like to state things accurately and clearly. Istj type people naturally do not like to show, even in times of crisis, they appear very calm. They always seem duty bound and firm, but under their calm appearance, they may have a strong but rarely expressed reaction.

Function application

Extroversion and introversion refer to the direction of our psychological energy. Judgment and perception are the two ways we do things. Psychology calls it attitude. Feeling and intuition are the way we obtain information, thinking and emotion are the way to make decisions. Psychology calls it function, and function is the essence and core of personality theory.

Everyone will use four functions in, but they have different preferences for function applications. The first in the hierarchy is called leading function, and the second is called auxiliary function. Everyone needs to apply these two processes.

Use your type effectively: istj type people have the dominant function of (paying attention to details) and the auxiliary function of thinking. They tend to pay attention to details, pay attention to reality, remember trivial details, endure boring work, be patient, careful and systematic.

Logical, good at analysis, objective, fair, logical and systematic thinking, able to judge and firm.

Istj type people use their third and fourth functions less - emotion and intuition. Even when these functions are needed, they still can not be used effectively.

As an istj type person: if you use sensory function too much, you may lose the overall concept, can't think of various possible solutions, can't live with intuition, don't seek innovation, can't cope with too complex work, and don't like to predict the future. If you use the thinking function too much, you may forget to praise others when you need it, or ignore the impact of your decision on others.

Problem solving

Everyone will make decisions in their own way. Decisions usually come from your dominant function and completely ignore your fourth function. Your functions are as follows:

Dominant functional sensation

Auxiliary functional thinking

Third function emotion

Fourth, functional intuition

A good decision usually comes from the rational use of four functions. When you try to solve a problem, you can use the above table to guide the process, but it is very difficult in the whole implementation process, because everyone is unwilling to solve the problem with functions he doesn't like. Even if you consciously try to use all these functions, you can't use them in this order in real life. The key is to use them to remind yourself and improve your decisions, even if you don't act this way.

It is very important to choose a position that meets your leading and auxiliary functions at work. The third function can only be properly used after development and exercise, and the fourth function may never play a key role in your career, so you should avoid jobs that require long-term use of it.

Blind spot

A common problem with istj people is the tendency to lose self in the details of planning and daily operation. Once immersed in it, they are very stubborn and rigid, unwilling to adapt or accept other views. If they do not see the direct and effective application of new ideas, they often have doubts. They must spend time paying attention to all objective things, consider alternative situations they may not consider, collect a wider range of information, and consciously strive to predict the future meaning of their behavior, which can enhance the influence of istj people in all aspects.

Sometimes istj people find it difficult to understand the needs of others, especially those that are very different from themselves. Because their reactions to themselves are hidden, they are regarded as calm and ruthless. They must express their appreciation for others directly, not just in their hearts.

Because istj people are very organized, they want others to do the same. They risk imposing their own judgment on others, ignoring the opinions of those who are not very confident. They force others to do things according to their methods and prevent the use of more creative and novel methods. They should be open to untested and unconventional ways, so as to be more tolerant of people's differences and finally make effective choices.

Work Advantage

Work accurately and hope to do the work well for the first time;

Willing to follow established daily arrangements and traditional policies;

Be able to concentrate on a project or task every time;

Able to work independently;

Sensitive organizational skills;

Treat specific problems meticulously and seriously: facts and details;

Believe in the merits of the traditional model and be able to follow the traditional model;

Strong sense of responsibility; Others can trust you to fulfill your promise;

Clear work organization; Considers that efficiency and multi results are important;

Have perseverance and determination to achieve goals;

Reasonable, realistic perspective.

Work disadvantage

Unwilling to try and accept new and untested ideas and ideas;

Uneasy about changes; Reject innovation;

Lack of patience with tasks that take a long time to complete;

Sometimes they ignore long-term needs due to short-term goals;

Rigid handling of affairs; Difficult or unwilling to adapt to new situations when necessary;

It is difficult to see the overall problem and the long-term impact of behavior;

Lack of sensitivity to what impact the policy or decision will have on others;

Unwilling to change the direction of efforts or adjust the amount of investment when necessary;

Unwilling to make the necessary changes or support carefully considered risk behaviors.

Post characteristics

Research has found that career satisfaction will make you more proactive, more motivated and more willing to work. The following is not simply to tell you what kind of work is suitable for you, but to help you analyze in detail which characteristics in your work are important to you. You also need to choose what you think is the most important, because people with different experiences have different requirements for the importance of characteristics. The work content of each post is developing with the development of the enterprise, which is not invariable. Sometimes the development direction of the post needs us to strive for. Therefore, it is more direct to find a suitable job than to find a position suitable for your own development. These traits can help clarify how to actively develop or strive for those traits in your position.

The following items verify how you can be truly satisfied with your career from all aspects. After reading these items, we suggest you sort your important programs according to them. When sorting, think about your past study, work experience, current learning environment and work experience, and think about: What makes you particularly satisfied and what makes you extremely unhappy. try to find themes that run through these experiences.

Characteristics of your position:

1. It is technical in nature and allows you to rely on your ability to use and understand important facts and details.

2. It involves many practical products and services. These products or services are produced or realized through rigorous, logical and efficient methods - preferably using standardized working procedures.

3. It allows me to have a lot of time to work independently and use my excellent ability of concentration to complete projects and / or tasks.

4. It is completed in a stable and standardized environment. When doing these works, I do not have to take unnecessary risks and use untested or experimental methods.

5. Results that can be seen and measured, and the use of accurate standards to evaluate the amount or quality of work needs and attention.

6. Have clear objectives, clear organizational system and mode.

7. Allow me enough time to prepare before presenting or submitting work results, preferably alone or in groups.

8. It can make me have more and more responsibilities and powers, and as long as I am required to participate in few social and political activities; My work performance is measured by how many tasks I have completed or how well I have achieved my work goals, and my efforts and contributions are appreciated and valued.

9. In the working process or atmosphere, my realistic judgment and past experience are highly valued and praised.

10. Enable me to have the necessary resources (human and financial) and materials to set formal goals and achieve them.

Suitable career field

Business: Auditors, company managers, accountants, managers / supervisors, word information processing experts, efficiency experts / efficiency analysts, insurance owners (insurers), logistics supply managers, rule making officials, information managers, accountants / insurance statisticians

Istj often likes some occupations related to business. They have excellent talents in managing systems and making things run normally. They often like to work in traditional groups or companies that have been established for many years. Their joining is conducive to the normal operation of groups or companies. They are efficient in their work. They record all kinds of expenses and taxes carefully and in detail. No unchecked or uncorrected errors or omissions are allowed. As managers, they formulate clear work permissions and establish a set of standard rules for each employee. They like business jobs that can produce specific products or provide specific services.

Sales / Service: Police officers / detectives, agents of information retrieval service, government employees, army officers, correctional personnel, real estate agents, sports equipment / commodity sellers, correctional institutions

Municipal service work can meet istj's desire to serve the community. They like to maintain services or protect everyone's social system. They like to work in a well-defined environment. They did a good job either issuing orders or accepting orders. They use their knowledge and past experience to deal with current problems decisively and effectively. They have a very good memory of facts and details. No matter what they do, they use their own practical experience to make judgments. They like to sell real tangible products, from which they can get personal benefits.

Finance Bank auditor, investment guarantor, tax inspector, Budget Analyst, stockbroker, real estate planner and credit analyst

Istj has a genius in mathematics. They can remember figures about facts and details and can quote them to support their views when necessary. They will not easily divert their attention. They are very attentive and hard at work, and the work results are accurate and meticulous. A career in finance requires the following talents: being able to work well independently; Able to absorb a large amount of data; It can carry out accurate calculation, which are possessed by istj.

Education School principal, technology / industry / Mathematics / physics teacher, librarian, administrator

Occupations in the field of education are very suitable for istj, especially those in management and technology. Istj can well manage the operation of schools or courses. They look for the possibility and method of maintaining the operation of the system through practice. Management and library careers enable istj to work alone and use their objective analytical skills to process data, such as test scores, budgets, etc. Teaching is also very suitable for istj, especially some technical and practical subjects can provide them with a lot of learning and teaching opportunities.

Legal / TechnicalLegal investigators, electricians, engineers, mechanics

These occupations provide istj with the opportunity to use their technical talents, and their work results require highly accurate products. Because they never blindly accept things, they can catch omissions and mistakes in their work and faithfully follow the necessary procedures and systems. Many of the above occupations can also provide istj with the opportunity to work alone, allowing them to give full play to their advantages of concentration, excellent memory and various skills.

Healthcare:Veterinarians, general surgeons, dentists, nursing instructors, health instructors, pharmacists, laboratory technicians, medical researchers, primary health care physicians, biological and medical technical experts, sports physiologists, pharmacists / dispensing technicians

Istj is often involved in the pharmaceutical industry, especially in some hospitals with traditional systems. They maintain close care for patients, patiently listen to their complaints, provide them with some thoughtful and restrained suggestions, and formulate appropriate treatment plans. Istj is also a successful mentor in health care. They work hard, undertake their due obligations and fulfill their due responsibilities. They like an organized work environment in which they can move towards their goals and complete their work on time. Dentistry and pharmaceutics require more skills, so they are loved by istj. Because they are good at grasping factual information and can keep it forever.

Organizational contribution

Act firmly and step by step; Pay attention to the specific details of the affairs under management and be careful; Be able to arrange work affairs properly and appropriately; Keep promises; Work better in a good organization.

Leadership style

Usually use experience and grasp of facts to make decisions; Perform reliably, stably and consistently in the performance of duties; Respect for tradition and hierarchy; Appreciate and encourage those who follow the rules; Focus on current and actual organizational needs.

Potential defects

Ignore the long-term impact of daily work; Do not pay attention to subtle interpersonal information; Sometimes they are inflexible and rigid; They expect others to follow the rules rather than encourage innovation.

Work environment

In the organization, members work hard and pay attention to facts and results; Work can provide a certain sense of security and stability, and can consider personal privacy; Leaders recognize and appreciate the steady work style and structured and orderly work orientation.

Development proposals

Dare to explore new possibilities; More consideration of human factors; Be willing to accept new things.

In addition to the immediate reality, we need to pay attention to the broader details of the problem; Human factors need to be considered; You need to try something new to avoid being stereotyped; We need to be patient with those who don't care much about the rules and strive to innovate

About love

Best love object perfectionist

If you are a civil servant

You are the kind of glue that binds the fragments of civilization together. Your registered trademark is mission, discipline, responsibility and organization. Without your loyal dedication, many existing successful enterprises, organizations and groups will disintegrate into pieces. When you fall in love, you are the most pragmatic of all types of love, and you won't be too moved by excessive romantic behavior. You don't need the constant excitement of dating. You will be satisfied with a dinner at home, an interesting film and the company of your lover.

When it comes to the positioning of male and female roles, your values are also very traditional. You still think that a husband should earn money to support the family, and a wife should be responsible for maintaining a clean and organized family. Your strong need for security prevents you from starting a relationship. You usually have relationships with people you have known for a long time: colleagues, family friends or classmates. Because you are the ultimate nest builder, before you bring your future partner closer to you, you should be very sure that he is a person who can take care of you and support your family.

The traits you expect your partner to have are loyalty, security and responsibility. You will not be particularly moved by the future or lofty ideals put forward by your partner; What you need to know is what the other person can bring to a serious relationship now.

You will have a good relationship with female civil servants or caregivers (ISFJ). Female civil servants have rules and often have a sense of responsibility personality, which can perfectly complement your desire for a traditional family. The caregiver type is a woman who helps you build your dream family in her loving way and the personality of standard mother.

Civil servants are usually attracted by activities, organizations or places with tasks, jobs and responsibilities. You can try to participate in community groups, charitable fund-raising groups, tutor association meetings, patriotic organizations, professional related groups, government agencies, bowling clubs, business councils and military special events such as air force performances and parades. (civil servants are often outstanding military dignitaries because they are very loyal, diligent and willing to cooperate with orders.)

How to date a civil servant lover?

Make them feel needed, or work with them for a worthy goal, so that you can have a high sounding reason to know them. Go to the library and chat with the lovely librarian when he helps you log in your borrowed books. Attend a meeting of a tutoring Association - where there are usually some single parents - and ask them about the children's education they are most interested in.

You can volunteer to participate in a political activity or participate in the vigil of the good neighborly program. You will meet many enthusiastic civil servants with high task awareness in the process. You can ask a civil servant about a very practical question - how to plan or organize your home? How to fix something? How to take care of children? Or how to fill out the form? This responsible civil servant will be willing to help you. Once a civil servant agrees to help you, it's a good start.

One of the love tips: emphasize the traditional aspects of your personality, such as man: talk about your career aspirations, how much money you can make for your family, and what kind of family you want to have in the future. Express your desire to be a first-class father and build a safe and rich family. Woman: emphasize your skills or abilities in home life, such as cooking, cleaning and sewing. If you don't have any family experience, it's time to read books or take classes. Talk about your expectations for children, security and tradition. Note: male civil servants are not suitable for all women, but if you are ready to accept some old-fashioned values, his stable and conservative concept of family life will attract you very much.

Love tip 2: cater to the desire of civil servants for punctuality, neatness and organization. When you date a civil servant, always remember to be on time; To him, wasting time is as bad as wasting food. When you are around him, please keep clean at any time to make a good impression on the civil servant who likes cleanliness. In addition, if you are going to invite your civil servant lover home, please make sure your house is clean and tidy.

Love tip 3: help the civil servant lover clean your residence or ask him to clean your residence. If you really want to catch your civil servant's heart, in order to cater to his desire for cleanliness and order, you can put forward suggestions to help him clean his house. You can also ask a civil servant to help you clean up and tidy up your residence. If the other party agrees, prepare some snacks and music to make that day a happy day. Warning: please make sure that when the civil servant arrives with a mop, vacuum cleaner and rag, your residence is quite tidy. Although he's here to help you tidy up your house, he doesn't want to see a real mess. Once your house is up to standard (in your opinion), you can invite others to come. When your civil servant lover uses amazing cleaning skills to turn your house into a clean standard that ordinary people can't reach, let him play freely.

How to have a good sexual relationship with a civil servant lover?

The typical sexual relationship with a civil servant is slow. Don't expect to have an immediate spark with a civil servant lover; When it comes to sex and love, he is the most conservative of all types of love.

Sex tip: introduce a new posture or technique in a relaxed conversation. In the chat, emphasize how the new skill will enhance your relationship and bring the two people closer together. Then keep quiet and let your civil servant lover digest what you just said. As an introverted rational person, civil servant lover needs time to consider the new information he has obtained.

Sex tip: make a sex schedule. To help your civil servant lover feel safe about new sexual activities, make a sex schedule. Although some types of love will find this planned way very disappointing, many civil servants will feel comfortable and safe if they really know their partner's expectations (and when they happen).

Love state: it is the most pragmatic of all types of love. You don't need continuous stimulation in dating, and you won't be too moved by exaggerated romantic actions. You will be content with a dinner at home, a walk, or the company of your lover. In terms of gender role division, your concept is also very traditional. You think that the husband should earn money to support the family, and the wife should be responsible for the housework and keep the family clean and orderly. You generally don't fall in love with the opposite sex at first sight. You belong to the type of growing love over time. You usually develop relationships with people you have known for a long time, such as classmates, colleagues, friends, etc. You attach great importance to your partner's loyalty, security and responsibility. You usually determine the relationship after investigating these aspects of the other party. You may be less interested in your partner's lofty ideals and grand goals, but more interested in what the other person can do for the relationship now.

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