MBTI INTP Personality Analysis

INTP - Logician | Scholar | Architect | Small Bottle

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INTP (introversion / intuition / rationality / understanding) is a personality type of MBTI, Keirsey temperature sorter and social personality developed from Jung's analytical psychology.

Character characteristics

INTP is a free creative person and a scholar with flying thoughts. They are easy to divert attention, but they have infinite creativity. Their preference and deep understanding of abstract concepts enable them to engage in any creative and challenging work.

They are impulsive and easy to have ideas, and these ideas may be very talented. Sometimes these ideas may also make INTP lose its way, because they always have new ideas.

If INTP has too many details or specified implementation deadline for mechanical work, they will feel very frustrated. When they meet a deadline, they will continue to ask for an extension

Almost all INTPs have one or more related fields they are good at, which can be described by their talent. Once they are lucky to engage in the industry that meets their appetite, they can reach the height that many people may spend years, decades or even a lifetime in a very short time with their superior understanding. However, in other fields outside these bright fields, due to the long-term neglect, many problems that are not a problem for ordinary people can embarrass them. For example, in daily life, perhaps a small household chore can expose their clumsy side and immediately change from a genius to an idiot.

The characteristics of INTP will make this kind of people willing to pursue adventure, but this may conflict with their preference for thinking alone. For INTP, the outside world is wonderful, but it will interfere with INTP's introspection in the world.

INTP will encounter gender issues, and the specific situation will be different. For women INTP, they will often be in a dilemma: the traditional definition of women in society is always contrary to their natural preferences. For example, INTP may be independent, anti authoritative, controversial, sometimes have some social barriers (which is related to their I intensity), and they often ignore social traditions and customs. When these characteristics are combined with their int wisdom and indifference, we can imagine the dilemma that INTP women may fall into. This dilemma will become more complicated because INTP women are not good at expressing. When wisdom is needed, INTP women may win, but at the cost of alienating others.

Generally speaking, INTP will make sufficient preparations before deciding to invest in a project. At this time, because, first, they don't want to be ineffective; Second, these preparations - research, reading and planning are what INTP likes to do; Third, INTP needs a good entry point.

In an environment that does not appreciate or even doubt, women's situation may be more difficult. People will respect a sharp and calm person, but if she is a woman, people will feel that she is a little cold and heartless, ignores other people's emotional needs, like an old scholar, without women's tenderness.

The situation of male INTP is relatively easy, because calm is the requirement of society for men. Even so, they will encounter some problems. For example, their easygoing personality may conflict with TJ managers in most enterprises. INTP is often reminded to be down-to-earth, don't daydream, go back to work quickly, or I hope you can abide by the rules.

Another problem is that INTP lacks social awareness. Usually INTP is not good at socializing. This is more prominent in men, while women are relatively easy to adjust. INTP may not be enthusiastic about company parties or other social activities, which will make colleagues feel that they are not gregarious. In fact, it's not that they don't want to participate. If they think this kind of party is tolerable, they will even enjoy it. But if the activity lasts too long, or there is no meaningful dialogue and communication in the party, they will feel that it is a waste of time. Therefore, INTP would rather continue to work and look for meaningful dialogue in its own world. Both men and women may feel guilty in the end because they fail to fulfill their social responsibilities. But if they have to fulfill this responsibility, they may think I'm in trouble again.

In work, INTP is the source of thought. They are the most efficient when working alone, and they often show creativity, energy and fun. They like new projects and brainstorming. For INTP, life and work are a smart challenge. They should think carefully and deeply before doing things. They like to express clearly and accurately in words, and can't stand ambiguous views or contradictory theoretical statements: for example, they both agree and disagree.

Generally speaking, it is easier to work with INTP type people. They like to have fun at work, think independently and work with strong autonomy. They regard life as learning. Therefore, any activity that can develop intelligence is of great value. From hands-on disassembly to drafting project proposals, it is an opportunity for learning and growth. This is the main driving force driving INTP.

For INTP type people, the most important thing is that their privacy is not violated and solve complex problems in their own unique way. INTP people are diligent in thinking and analysis. Sometimes they even forget the world around them and immerse themselves in deep thinking.

A more precise description of INTP people is that if someone's understanding is slightly biased, they will try to correct it. It is this keen discrimination of INTP people that makes them have natural advantages over others in aspects such as grammar and linguistics.

In most cases, INTP people can be comfortable and reasonable, and they are unwilling to express themselves in full view of the public; Unless their principles are undermined, they will speak frankly and frankly, and then immediately return to a friendly atmosphere and remain unknown.

INTP people always have a sense of failure and worry that they will fail in the next things. When they argue, they are more persuading themselves than persuading each other. In this regard, intj people are completely different from INTP people. They have great confidence in their abilities. As long as they are convinced, they dare to do it.

The energy source of INTP is introverted and introspective (I). Their impression of the world is conceptual, abstract and arbitrary, with infinite possibilities (n), which is also the basis of decision-making. Their decisions are objective and strictly consider causality (T). All this forms a flexible, casual and adaptable lifestyle (P).

Therefore, complex systems, such as mathematics, language and computer, are loved by INTP people and are willing to try hard. Understanding, exploring, mastering and manipulating the system is often the unconscious behavior of INTP people. They can completely selflessly separate and express the wonderful logical system, interrelated subsystems and environment; For them, completing the task is only secondary.


Independent and quiet; Broad thinking and innovative spirit; Curious and enterprising; Rational, easygoing and adaptable; Be assertive and not blindly follow. INTP people are rational problem solvers. They are very intelligent and organized, showing outstanding creative talent. INTP people are calm, silent and detached; But the heart is focused on analyzing the problem. They are demanding, meticulous and skeptical. They try to find and use principles to understand many ideas. They like structured and purposeful conversations, and may argue about useless and trivial issues just for pleasure. Only organized reasoning will convince them.

Usually INTP people are resourceful and independent thinkers. They attach importance to intelligence, have a strong desire for personal ability, and are interested in challenging others. The main interest of INTP people is to understand the possibilities other than what can be accurately known, accepted and obvious. They are willing to develop models to improve things or solve problems. Their way of thinking is extremely complex and can better organize concepts and ideas rather than people. Sometimes, their ideas are too complex to be expressed and understood by others. INTP people are very independent and like adventure and imaginative activities. They are flexible and open-minded. They are more interested in finding innovative and reasonable solutions than just seeing the existing solutions in front of them.

INTP people have almost no emotion, ignore criticism and praise, and naturally like to be a bystander. They have no strong motivation to influence others and no intention to hurt or offend others. INTP's attention to others' feelings is basically zero under normal circumstances. More often, they just want to express their true views. They gain a sense of achievement through the process of logical reasoning and feeling self-growth.

Cognitive function

Seek precision, such as the most appropriate word to express a concept. It notices the insignificant differences between the essence of things, and then analyzes and classifies them. Ti examines every side of a problem to find the most effortless and least risky way to solve the problem. It uses models to identify logical inconsistencies. Calm, clear, and pay attention to the power that binds reality together. As an introverted thinking type, INTP's energy and time are mainly used to manage the principles in the internal and logical world (the essence of things, the original rules of things). And generalize it into understandable. Ti, as the dominant function, tends to be similar to generalized logic.

Find and explain the implied meaning, explore the choice with the question beginning with If, and allow multiple possibilities to coexist. This imaginary game combines intuition with experience and ideas from many different sources to become a new, which may become a catalyst for action. Let INTP understand the pattern of the world around them. They use their intuition to turn empirical data into coherent pictures, from which they can draw general principles. INTP often ponders over a question for a long time until it finally comes to the answer with a moment of insight.

Collect data about the present and compare them with past experiences. Sometimes, this process evokes the feelings associated with it with memory, as if experiencing the past again. In order to seek to protect those familiar things, go back to history to form expectations and goals for the future. It gives INTP the potential to be keen on observation. They use this function to collect empirical data, use material tools to detect material relationships, and use an abundant sensory space to support their internal logic.

Find social connections and create harmonious communication with polite, considerate and appropriate behavior. Responding to the explicit (or implied) needs of others may even create a conflict between internal self needs and desires to meet others. Let INTP desire harmony in the group. INTPs can be charming and straightforward friends when they are most relaxed, or when they have a clearly defined role in the group. However, when under pressure, INTP may feel that it has lost contact with the people around it and cannot communicate with others with their extraverted emotions. As their weak function, emotion may be a weakness: when threatened, it will hide behind the logic without emotion. This may allow them to suppress their emotions in order to preserve reason and harmony; But when these hidden emotions cannot be controlled, they will lead to inappropriate sudden outbursts.

Later personality type researchers (especially Linda v. Behrens) added four additional functions to this descending arrangement. These functions are called hidden functions because one does not naturally tend to them, but they also emerge under pressure. For INTP, these hidden functions are (in order)

Organize and arrange the environment and ideas to successfully achieve the goal. They prefer reasoning and narrow logic in logic, seek reasonable explanations of actions, events and conclusions, and try to find logical errors and intervals in the sequence.

Combining seemingly contradictory things into previously unimaginable results, it is also attracted by symbolic things. The realization of these results is usually accompanied by certainty that requires action to complete, and their solutions may include complex systems or general truths.

Focus on the experience and feeling brought by the current and material world. With a keen awareness of what is going on around us, it brings relative facts and details about the front, and may lead to spontaneous action.

Filtering information is based on the judgment formed by standards (often invisible). I always coordinate values. In all cases, it naturally coincides with subtle differences and knows what is right and what is wrong.

Personality blind spot

Because INTP people rely too much on their rational analysis, they will ignore things related to others. If an aspect is illogical, even if it is important to them, they will risk abandoning it. Acknowledging what they really care about will help them keep in touch with their true feelings.

INTP people are proficient in observing the defects of an idea, but they are silent about expressing their own evaluation. Because they refused to have any illogical place in the whole plan, they delayed when they involved a minor error in a certain part of the plan, making the whole plan difficult to complete. When they apply their highly honed critical thinking to the people around them, their honesty will become an unintentional harm. They must be told, and they must learn to ask about matters that are emotionally related to others.

Because INTP people like to solve problems, they often lack patience with conventional details, and if a plan needs too many details or lasting implementation, they will lose interest and never complete the plan. Transferring their energy outward will enable them to obtain sufficient practical knowledge to produce feasible and acceptable ideas.

INTP people sometimes feel troubled when they try to maintain their high standards of perfection. Learning to share feelings with others will help them gain more realistic and objective views.

Suitable occupation

Most people like you like to work in the field of technology and use their unique ability to analyze complex systems and form creative solutions. For example, software designers, network administrators, computer engineers, system analysts, research and development professionals, strategic planners, financial planners, computer cartoon designers, analysts, etc.

In the field of medicine and science and technology, you can give full play to your excellent inference ability, stand at the forefront of the industry and deal with complex and profound concepts with certain risks, which is also what you require in your work. For example: physicists, beauticians, pharmacists, veterinarians, biologists, etc.

You have clear, logical thinking and creativity. Working in professional and commercial fields that use these methods to solve problems is also very attractive to you. For example: lawyers, economists, psychologists, architects, financial analysts, business analysts, intelligence experts, interpreters and translators, etc.

Areas that provide you with completely novel things to create, areas that can experience many different things also need to be considered. For example: photographer, writer, artist, inventor, astronomer, producer, Music organizer, art editor, etc.

Career satisfaction will make you more proactive, more motivated and more willing to work. The following is not simply to tell you what kind of work is suitable for you, but to help you analyze in detail which characteristics in your work are important to you. You also need to choose what you think is the most important, because people with different experiences have different requirements for the importance of characteristics. The work content of each post is developing with the development of the enterprise, which is not invariable. Sometimes the development direction of the post needs us to strive for. Therefore, it is more direct to find a suitable job than to find a position suitable for your own development. These traits can help clarify how to actively develop or strive for those traits in your position.

About partners

As a scholar, you may be a mystery to your lover. You can deal with anyone in the logical cycle of wisdom with very sharp and rational thinking.

The scholar type has no patience with fools. Your lover must be responsive, intelligent, and able to keep up with a large number of your excited and rapid ideas and plans. Although appearance has an impact, when you choose a lifelong partner, the most important thing is to consider each other's intelligence.

Although you may be emotionally out of control for a short time when you are attracted to someone at first, you will soon adjust back and start thinking logically again. No matter how good or attractive your partner is, he or she must meet your logical requirements before you give love.

Quite a few scholars do not pay attention to their emotional side, nor do they pay attention to their partner's emotional needs. At the same time, due to their introverted personality, scholars may not be able to adapt to social etiquette, resulting in embarrassment, stupidity and even humiliation in front of others.

Scholars can be highly malleable and good partners, as long as they can strive to improve their shortcomings and make good use of the strengths of their personality, that is, strong imagination and docile personality, to strengthen their interpersonal relationships. When they do this, scholars will be able to enjoy very successful relationships and marriages.

About love

Advantages in feelings: have pure love and care for the people around you, usually relaxed and easy to get along with, willing to obey your peers, full of passion, imagination and creativity for things you are interested in, don't regard contradictions and criticism as an attack on yourself, usually have no desire and no demand, as long as you meet your daily needs

Weakness in feelings: they are naturally not easy to take into account their feelings towards others, slow to respond to the emotional needs of others, naturally not good at expressing their own feelings and emotions, tend to lack trust in others, always hold a skeptical attitude, and are usually not good at practical things, such as financial management. Unless their work involves this field, it is difficult to leave a relationship without future They tend to avoid conflicts and quarrels by escaping, or go to the other extreme - rage

Advantages in work

Eager to know the world outside the box and think of some new possibilities; Be able to understand very complex and highly abstract concepts; Outstanding creative problem solving skills, adventure spirit, creative consciousness and courage to overcome difficulties; Independent, able to work alone and concentrate; Be able to comprehensively consider and use a large amount of information; Rational curiosity and unique insight when collecting needed information; Be able to analyze things logically even under great pressure; I like the environment where I can learn new knowledge and master new skills, and I have great confidence and motivation to learn new knowledge; Objectivity; Be able to objectively analyze and deal with problems rather than emotional; Be confident in your ideas and opinions; Be able to analyze problems with foresight, grasp the overall situation of things, and clarify the long-term impact of behavior and thought; Be able to adapt to new situations flexibly and have the ability to adapt to changes skillfully; Have a stable and peaceful attitude; Have motivation and aggressiveness, don't worry about gain and loss

Disadvantages in work

Things may be disorganized, prone to disorder and overconfidence; May inappropriately use their abilities and social experience; Lack of patience with narrow-minded and stubborn people; Do not like to act in a traditional and formulaic way; It is easy to lose interest in doing things. Once the main problems are solved, the interest will no longer exist and can not be implemented and implemented to the end; Not good at expressing complex ideas and problems in concise form and solving them in simple form; It may be too theoretical and ignore or ignore the reality, and the implementation of some views is unrealistic; Cannot strictly require oneself to only consider and solve important detailed problems; Don't like to do the same thing repeatedly and lack patience with trivial daily work; Lack of patience with stylized things and stubborn people; Your thoughts and opinions are too complex and difficult to understand for others; Slow response to other people's feelings, criticism and requirements; Lack of fighting spirit, easy to relax, usually unwilling to pay too much effort; Lack of persistence in the face of pressure and setbacks

Development proposals

The secret of INFJ's success is to be more organized and try to stick to the plan; Be patient with others; Experience the feelings and reactions of others and improve your interpersonal communication

Work can challenge complex problems, try some unique methods, and take risks to find better results

Work can continuously improve your ability and power, and work with those talented people

Let you put your energy into a creative, theoretical and logical process, rather than the final result

You don't need to spend time organizing or managing others and adjusting relationships

The working environment is flexible and relaxed, without too many restrictions, rules and cumbersome meetings

Working independently requires a lot of undisturbed time and more in-depth thinking

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