MBTI ESFP Personality Analysis

ESFP——Entertainer|Actor|Sister Hammer

📔 ESFP高级人格档案







Feature overview

Esfp people are willing to get along with others and have a real passion for life. They are naughty and lively, and make things more interesting to others through sincerity and jokes. Esfp people are easy-going, adaptable, warm, friendly and generous. They are good at communication and are often the attention center of others. They are enthusiastic and cooperative in participating in various activities and programs, and usually can deal with several activities immediately.

Outgoing, friendly and tolerant. Love life, human and material enjoyment. Like working with others. In work, pay attention to common sense and practicability, pay attention to the actual situation, and make the work interesting. Flexibility, improvisation, natural without affectation, easy to accept new friends and adapt to the new environment. Learning new skills with others can achieve the best learning effect.

Esfp people are observers of reality. They treat and accept things according to themselves. They often trust what they can hear, smell, touch and see, rather than relying on theoretical explanations. Because they like specific facts and have a good memory for details, they can learn the best from their own experience. The common feeling gives them the practical ability to get along with people and things. They like to collect information and observe possible natural solutions. Esfp people can tolerate and accept themselves and others, and often do not try to impose their wishes on others. Esfp people are accommodating and compassionate. Usually many people really like them. They can get others to adopt their suggestions, so they are good at helping the parties to the conflict get back together. They seek the company of others and are good friends. They are willing to help others and prefer to help in a real and tangible way. Esfp people are naive, straightforward, charming and persuasive. They like unexpected things and look for ways to bring happiness and surprise to others.

Esfp people are flexible, patient, practical and result oriented. I find theoretical and abstract explanations very boring. Like to take positive action to solve problems. Focus on the present, naturally not affectation, and enjoy the moment with others. Like material enjoyment and fashion. The most effective way to learn new things is through personal experience and practice.

Basic description

Performer type - constantly trying new challenges

You like to entertain the public and do your best to bring them (and yourself) the most love, laughter and enthusiasm. As a performer, you yearn for the spotlight and enjoy interacting with all the people in your happy circle. The most unhappy thing is to leave you alone, but fortunately, you don't often stay alone. For real performers, life is a never-ending carnival.

Possible blind spots

Because you pay attention to various changes in the outside world and like to deal with emergencies, you are not willing to make plans to prevent emergencies. Often start many things at one time, exceed their own load, and fail to fulfill their promises, which may cause confusion among the people around them. You need to try to find some ways to finish the task on time.

Your attention is completely focused on interesting activities, like constantly accepting new challenges, unwilling to spend time in boring work, and it is difficult to estimate the results of your behavior. You need to set a standard of conduct for yourself. When circumstances change, it's easy to ignore other people's emotions and become dull and reckless.

Advantages in work

Keen observation and excellent memory of actual information; Understand what to do and treat the necessary conditions for completing the work realistically; Pleasure in launching and promoting projects; Energetic and energetic at work; Adaptability; Be able to make work interesting and exciting; Fun of team work; Practical and realistic observation and rich common sense; Step up the way you create a lively and interesting atmosphere at work; Adaptable, willing to take risks and try new things; Willing to accept different and follow the trend; Have a stable and peaceful attitude; Have motivation and aggressiveness, don't worry about gain and loss

Disadvantages in work

It is difficult to work alone, especially for long hours; Do not like to prepare in advance and have difficulties in organizing time; Dull and numb to others' feelings, or too negligent to others' feelings; Unable to see opportunities and choices that do not exist at the moment; Lack of patience and / or unbearable administrative details and procedures; It is difficult to make decisions and / or prioritize plans; Easily impulsive, tempted or confused; It is difficult to see the long-term impact of things; Do not like too many rules and regulations of bureaucracy; Resist setting long-term goals and it is difficult to meet the deadline; Lack of fighting spirit, easy to relax, usually unwilling to pay too much effort; Lack of persistence in the face of pressure and setbacks

Post characteristics

Working in an environment without too many rules and constraints, you can enjoy free time after completing your tasks

Work can make you give full play to your ability to fight the fire and use direct experience to find the best solution to the problem

In work, contact with real people and affairs, and make tangible products or services, rather than in the field of theory and thought

Work is challenging and allows you to deal with emergencies in a risky way

Work can give play to your keen observation, understanding and memory of facts

Work allows you to meet all kinds of people and get along with practical and energetic colleagues

Suitable occupation

Diversified service areas, which require you to think / react quickly in a rapidly changing environment, can meet your curiosity and observation, such as police, firefighters, detectives, investigators, real estate agents, intelligence personnel, inspectors, investment, insurance brokers, budget analysts, etc.

You like adventure and excitement, so some recreational work will bring you professional satisfaction. For example: journalists, travel agents, cameras, hosts, actors, auction industry, etc.

You are good at manual operation, which can improve your economy and technology, and can be practiced continuously. For example: contractors, chefs, electrical engineers, telecommunications network experts, logistics and supply personnel, treasurers, sports physiologists, teachers, horticultural designers, photographers, field exploration leaders.

Those too restrictive environments are not the work environment you need to consider. They are usually free and diverse. Jobs that can provide adventure opportunities are more adaptive to you. For example: management consultant, network distribution, auto dealer, franchise, wholesale / retailer, etc.

Development proposals

The secret of your success lies in: comprehensively examine the reality and think twice before you act; Consider the feelings of others; Distinguish the priorities of things, make a plan, start and finish; The need to restrain his arbitrariness and ignore the feelings of others; You need to plan in advance, consider details and think twice before making a quick decision; Pay attention to planning and persevere in development; We need to pay attention to things other than material enjoyment; Do not consider working in a stressful environment; When appropriate, taking the initiative to undertake some work is more beneficial to your development; Try to think and take action after maturity. When you encounter difficulties, you need to stick to it

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