MBTI ISTP Personality Analysis

ISTP - Virtuoso | Craftsman | Electric Drill Guy

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ISTP (introversion / feeling / thinking / understanding) is one of the sixteen personality types in miles Briggs personality classification. It is called a craftsman in colsey temperament type test and belongs to one of the four types of craftsmen. ISTP tends to be quiet and reserved. In socializing, they consume energy. ISTP is more concerned with concrete things than with abstract things. They prefer to pay attention to details rather than the whole, and pay attention to the closest reality rather than the possibility of the future. ISTP generally believes that objective criteria are higher than personal preferences. When making decisions, they are usually more based on logic than on worldly considerations. ISTP will reserve opinions or postpone important decisions, prefer open options and be more able to respond to changes.

Character characteristics

Istps are good at analyzing situations close to the core of the problem, so they can immediately complete functional remediation, which makes them perfect for the field of engineering. They are naturally quiet people who are interested in understanding how the system works and focus on efficient operation and structure. They remain open to new information and channels. But unlike their seemingly detached nature, istps usually have the ability to make humorous and insightful observations of the world around them. In private, they may also be adventurers who like high-speed or high-risk Entertainment (such as bungee jumping, gliding, racing, motorcycle sports and skydiving), sports (such as skiing, paintball, curling and scuba diving) or careers (such as aviation and fire fighting).

Istps may sometimes act regardless of process, direction, etiquette and even their own safety. Their seemingly random actions are in fact based on extensive knowledge accumulated in action and observation for a long time. Istps like self-sufficiency and are proud of their own improvements in problem solving.

Istps agree that others live their own way, as long as others can tolerate them. Istps can quietly tolerate a range of unfairness - but if their own territory is violated, eroded or desecrated, they will guard what they rightfully think belongs to them.

Istps are proficient in using every tool - artistic, technical and even weapons. Although they are introverted, they usually take the initiative in their communication with others and may have a strong impact on others. They focus on getting their work done efficiently and skillfully.

In order to master the tools they are interested in, istps need a certain degree of isolation to practice. This gave them a superb skill beyond the reach of other types.

Logical, practical, pragmatic, quiet, modest and independent; Realistic, pragmatic and withdrawn; Impulse and curiosity about the natural world; Flexible and resourceful; Objective without resorting to emotion.

Cognitive function

Leading function: introverted thinking.Seek precision, such as the most appropriate word to express a concept. It notices the insignificant differences between the essence of things, and then analyzes and classifies them. Examine every side of a problem to find the most effortless and least risky way to solve the problem. It uses models to identify logical inconsistencies.

Auxiliary function: extraversion feelingFocus on the present, material world. With a keen awareness of what is going on around us, it brings relative facts and details about the front, and may lead to spontaneous action.

Third function: Introverted iNtuitionCombining seemingly contradictory things into previously unimaginable results, it is also attracted by symbolic things. The realization of these results is usually accompanied by certainty that requires action to complete, and their solutions may include complex systems or general truths.

Fourth function: extraversion emotionFind social connections and create harmonious communication with polite, considerate and appropriate behavior. Responding to the explicit (or implied) needs of others may even create a conflict between internal self needs and desires to meet others.

Blind spot

Because ISTP people always make judgments alone, they are unwilling to tell others the specific situation or even the most important part, so that the people around them know nothing about what happened. They don't like to share their reactions, feelings and concerns with others. So they need to accept the fact that others need to know about ISTP people. They should also realize that only they can give others an accurate explanation.

ISTP people are very practical. They can usually find ways to save energy on everything. Because they want to have free time, they often only do some necessary preparations, or they may not wait until things are solved. This makes them sometimes cut corners. Designing a plan and completing all the steps and details can help them overcome their lack of initiative and reduce their frequent indifference.

ISTP people usually pay attention to interesting new things and are open to all choices, so they may not be good at making decisions. The pursuit of excitement may make them reckless, rash and easily bored. Setting goals and seriously setting some constraints on themselves can help them avoid the harm caused by frequent disappointments and irregular living habits.

Suitable career field

Information services, computer programmers, software development, paralegals, firefighters, pharmacists, securities analysts, bank clerks, management consultants, financial advisers, electronic professionals, technical trainers, marine biologists, logistics and supply managers, economists, trade, commodity distributors/product agents (tangible products), police, detectives, sports workers, racers, pilots, sculptors, craftsmen, painters

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