MBTI INFJ Personality Analysis

INFJ - Advocate | Writer | Counselor | Guide to the spiritual world | Counselor | Green old man

📔 INFJ高级人格档案








INFJ, introverted, intuitive, emotional and judgment, is a kind of person who advises. They have strong empathy and can learn about other people's feelings or intentions. They are usually good students. INFJ character is suitable for medical consulting services, playwrights, art consultants, writers, etc. Full of creativity and originality, independent, careful and thoughtful, warm and delicate; Global thinkers have unique insight and high enthusiasm; Careful and thoughtful; Planned, organized, productive and decision-making; Moderate and polite. It belongs to one of the four types of idealists.

Character characteristics

The adviser (INFJ) seeks the meaning and connection between thought, relationship, material, etc. I hope to know what can inspire people and have a strong insight into people. Have a sense of responsibility and adhere to their own values. Have a clear vision of how to better serve the public. In the process of achieving the goal, we are planned and decisive.

INFJ type people are loyal, firm and full of ideals. They cherish integrity and are very firm. Because of their persuasive ability and clear views on what is best for the public interest, INFJ people will become great leaders. Because of their contributions, they are usually respected or admired. Because they value friendship and harmony, INFJ people like to convince others that their views are correct. By using praise and praise rather than quarrel and threat, they win the cooperation of others. They are willing to encourage their peers without reservation and avoid quarrels.

INFJ people live in the world of thought. They are independent and original thinkers with strong feelings, firm principles and honest human nature. Even in the face of doubt, INFJ people still believe in their views and decisions. Their evaluation of themselves is higher than everything else, including popular views and existential authority. This internal concept stimulates their enthusiasm. Usually INFJ people have instinctive insight and can see the deeper meaning of things. Even if others cannot share their enthusiasm, inspiration is important and convincing to them.

Usually INFJ type people are thoughtful decision makers. They feel that the problem is exciting. They usually have to think carefully before taking action. They like to concentrate on one thing at a time, which leads to a period of concentration. Full of enthusiasm and compassion, INFJ people have a strong desire to contribute to the happiness of others. They pay attention to the feelings and interests of others and can deal with complex people well.

INFJ type people themselves have a deep and complex personality, both sensitive and eager. They are introverted and difficult to understand, but they are willing to share their inner self with people they trust. They often have a small circle of friends with deep and lasting contacts, and can produce full personal enthusiasm and passion in a suitable atmosphere.

Advice belongs to the behavior of guidance, and its purpose is to help people recognize their human potential. Admonishers have an unusual strong desire to promote the happiness and peace of others, and sincerely like to guide their peers to achieve a greater degree of personal realization. This type of person is very rare, but it only accounts for 1% of the population. From their role in society, this is a very unfavorable phenomenon. Although these people are often secretive and understanding people, so they are usually not eye-catching leaders, they still work enthusiastically with the people around them and influence other family, friends and colleagues in secret. These friendly people who like to live in seclusion are difficult to understand. They can understand and deal with complex ethical problems and deal with extremely disturbed individuals.

They are good at arranging things by nature and are used to choosing the role of admonition guidance rather than the role of advocate. Moreover, their quiet and reserved personality determines that they seem to be more satisfied with the role of counsellor.

Counsellors are difficult to understand. They have extremely rich connotation, but they are reserved and unwilling to share their feelings with others except the people they trust. Of course, when they are with their loved ones, they will show their feelings without affectation: radiant, indicating their happy feelings; Their gloomy faces indicated their displeasure. Because of their full instinct to experience the feelings of others, counsellors may be quite vulnerable to people around them. At the same time, their friends who have known each other for many years may be surprised by their multiplicity, not their inconsistency; On the contrary, they attach great importance to honesty, but they have mysterious, complex and intertwined personality, and sometimes even feel confused themselves.

He can know the feelings or intentions of others - good or evil, even before all personal consciousness. In addition, they can understand the power of supernatural phenomena, that is, prediction and mental input. Because of their rich and vivid imagination, they are often regarded as the most poetic and even mysterious people of all types. They often choose literature and art as the main subject of the University. Their excellent ability in language makes them usually communicate with people in a humanized way.

In school, they are usually good students, show simple and creative achievements, enjoy the fun of solving problems, and take work seriously. They are energetic in the professional field that needs to exert influence with people, providing nutrients for their personal development.

Although counsellors have talents that are more suitable for work that requires solitude and close attention, they also perform very well when contacting groups, and they are not mere formality. When they get along with others, they are used to highly sensitive and effective work. They are willing to help others solve problems, and can creatively and kindly understand and use the laws of human nature. We attach importance to harmonious internal relations, and hope that the organization can operate smoothly and happily, and do its best to achieve this goal. They like to please others and think conflict is unpleasant and destructive. They will praise others in good faith, appreciate and motivate others, which is one of their ways. If they encounter adverse working conditions or criticism, they will become depressed and eventually lead to physical illness.

In addition, about 40% of INFJ people have an IQ of more than 130. They are difficult to understand, mysterious and highly complex, and sometimes even themselves will be confused by themselves. Their world is very orderly, but it is arranged in a complex way that only they can understand.

INFJ is one of the rarest types, accounting for about 1% - 3% of the population

Seek the meaning and connection between thought, relationship, material, etc. I hope to know what can inspire people and have a strong insight into people. Have a sense of responsibility and adhere to their own values. Have a clear vision of how to better serve the public. In the process of achieving the goal, we are planned and decisive.

INFJ people live in the world of thought. They are independent and original thinkers with strong feelings, firm principles and honest human nature. Even in the face of doubt, INFJ people still believe in their views and decisions. Their evaluation of themselves is higher than everything else, including popular views and existential authority. This internal concept stimulates their enthusiasm. Usually INFJ people have instinctive insight and can see the deeper meaning of things. Even if others cannot share their enthusiasm, inspiration is important and convincing to them. INFJ type people are loyal, firm and full of ideals. They cherish integrity and are so firm that they reach the point of stubbornness. Because of their persuasive ability and clear views on what is best for the public interest, INFJ people will become great leaders. Because of their contributions, they are usually respected or admired. Because they value friendship and harmony, INFJ people like to convince others that their views are correct. By using praise and praise rather than quarrel and threat, they win the cooperation of others. They are willing to encourage their peers without reservation and avoid quarrels. Usually INFJ type people are thoughtful decision makers. They feel that the problem is exciting. They usually have to think carefully before taking action. They like to concentrate on one thing at a time, which leads to a period of concentration. Full of enthusiasm and compassion, INFJ people have a strong desire to contribute to the happiness of others. They pay attention to the feelings and interests of others and can deal with complex people well. INFJ type people themselves have a deep and complex personality, both sensitive and eager. They are introverted and difficult to understand, but they are willing to share their inner self with people they trust. They often have a small circle of friends with deep and lasting contacts, and can produce full personal enthusiasm and passion in a suitable atmosphere.

Suitable occupation

Consulting / Education: Career counselors, clinical psychologists, teachers: high school or university foreign languages, art, music, social sciences, drama, educational consultants, librarians, special education teachers, bilingual education teachers, sociologists, occupational therapists, child welfare consultants, early education teachers, psychological counselors and developmental psychologists

These occupations allow INFJ to use their own views and knowledge to help others. The field of counseling or education requires private cooperation, often in-depth communication with others on a one-to-one basis. INFJ likes to learn and is happy to learn something new and get the opportunity to grow in the education industry. Therefore, it is usually quite comfortable for them to work in an academic background.

Creative career: Artist, playwright, poet, novelist, interior designer, free media planning, multimedia producer, website editor, film editor, educational design developer, fashion designer

For INFJ, the attraction of art is that they can use their talents to create unique works, and integrate their own views and imagination into them. Through art, INFJ can express itself in their own unique way and shock others with its artistic charm. Moreover, most of the artistic works are completed independently, which enables INFJ to arrange and control the working environment, process and artistic works by itself.

Health care / Social services: Health care manager, director of social services, dietitian / nutritionist, speech pathologist / audiologist, holistic health care doctor, fund coordinator, orthopaedic therapist

Social service work requires due diligence when serving others, and often refers to joining a social service organization. Most INFJ like to work in such an environment, especially when the organization contains only a small group of highly organized employees. Social service enables INFJ to consider a new way to solve individual and social problems and take action in this way.

Business: HR manager, career analyst, company / team trainer, commodity planning, consumer relations consultant

Although INFJ will not flock to business in large numbers, some of these areas can also give INFJ professional satisfaction. The above occupations require them to be interested in different people, help others find jobs, create an effective working environment, and solve people-oriented problems. INFJ can find satisfaction in these jobs in the business world. It's easy to use your strengths.

Suitable partner: Inventor

It is often a perfect partner and adviser, reserved, strategizing, complex and mysterious, often troubled by introspection and ethical problems; The inventor is outgoing and good at exploration. The adviser can get considerable relief from the inventor. The inventor will get great satisfaction from helping these conformists. Sometimes, he will find the essence and significance of the adviser in the planning of things.

About family

These gentle instructors also hope that family life is harmonious, and believe that people's resistance, whether public or hidden, will greatly damage their happiness. Their circle of friends may be small, but deep and long. They are loyal partners and may not always be keen on sexual contact. The way they express their feelings is often subtle and pays attention to the occasion. As parents, they are dutiful. Some women counsellors will have a spiritual cooperative relationship with their children, which is not very healthy for parents and children. However, more counsellors are friends of their children. While being extremely loving, they will also strictly restrict them. They are typical people who care about their spouses and children.

About leadership

They are the most unobtrusive guides. These quiet and sensitive people enthusiastically deal with their clients and affect the growth of others. They have an incredible awareness of the needs and abilities of others and urge others to explore their talents. They are rare and impossible to introduce themselves. Therefore, they are very rare in an organization, but their role can not be ignored.

For INFJ type people, the most important thing is to be faithful to their own foresight. Under the quiet appearance, they have a deeper belief in the important events of life. Activists (INFJ people have this tendency) do not work for personal glory or political rights, but fight for their own career!

No one will experience more oppression and devastation than them. They can often be seen running for first aid at the scene of an emergency. INFJ people embody a concept of poetic justice.

INFJ people are not easy to be restrained. They are not easy to be fooled and deceived at any time. Although INFJ people are very reasonable and compassionate, they are very picky about their friends. This friendship is based on mutual interests.

INFJ people have their own know-how to skillfully express and communicate in language. Coupled with INFJ people's sensitivity without too much verbal expression, they can communicate well with people. Of course, INFJ people have a place in writing, consulting, public relations and even politics.


INFJ are enthusiastic and identify with others. At the same time, they are also very deep. They seek and promote passionate and meaningful emotional relationships. They tend to be perfectionists and always strive for the most fundamental emotional relationship. In most cases, this is a positive feature, but sometimes it is unfavorable to INFJ. Therefore, they may develop the bad habit of changing from one relationship to another, and are always in the state of looking for a more perfect partner. In general, INFJ is a very gentle and caring person. They invest a lot in maintaining the health of close relationships and make great efforts to maintain their positive attitude. Because of these special qualities, they win the respect of those close to them. They seek long-term, lifelong relationships, even though they don't always find them.

INFJ's strengths in emotion: he is naturally enthusiastic and has a sense of identity with others. In order to pursue sincere feelings, he is desperate, sensitive and concerned about the feelings of others. He usually has good communication skills, especially in writing. He is very serious about commitment, seeks lifelong relationship, has very high expectations for himself and others (both strengths and weaknesses), and is a good listener, Can quickly recover from a relationship that has ended (once they are sure it is over).

INFJ's weakness in feelings: he tends to retain part of himself, is not good at daily affairs of financial management and practice, extremely hates quarrels and criticism, has very high expectations for himself and others (both strengths and weaknesses), and is difficult to leave a fruitless relationship.

INFJ is a warm and considerate partner. They have deep love for their partner. They are happy to show this love and hope to get a positive response from their partner. They are perfectionists, always looking for perfect love. Sometimes this may frustrate their partners, who may feel that they have fallen victim to INFJ's demanding perfectionism. However, this point will also be greatly appreciated because it gives a sincere commitment to feelings and a deep concern that other types of people usually do not have. In terms of sex, INFJ regards intimacy as an experience close to the spiritual level. They cherish the opportunity to be one with their partner from spirit and flesh. As service-oriented people, it is very important for them that their partners feel happy. Intimacy is an opportunity for INFJ to selflessly give their love, and it is also an opportunity to experience giving love in a clear way. Although two individuals of any personality type can have a healthy relationship as long as their personality develops completely. However, the natural partner more suitable for INFJ is ENTP or enfp personality. The dominant function of INFJ is inward intuition, which is the best match with the dominant function outward intuition of these two personality types.


Language -- Abstract  It applies to things that cannot be observed and depend only on imagination. Idealism often talks about things that can be imagined only by imagination. Idealists' thoughts and language are naturally inductive. They are keen, draw a universal generalization from the details, and understand everything from the details of things.

They value their feelings and insist that they must know what people really want. Metaphors are often used in speech, and they like to use modifying language, exaggeration and description. On the one hand, they ignore the hierarchical status, on the other hand, they have a high sensitivity to the body language and facial expressions of other types of people.

Using tools - cooperative Idealists believe that the tools and actions people choose need to be accepted by others, although sometimes they are not as effective as those that are not recognized. They are very confused about the utilitarian behavior of being too indifferent or pursuing the effect wholeheartedly, and worry about the good aspect of human nature, so they lose it.

The first consideration of idealists is always to cultivate satisfactory interpersonal relationships. Their ideal is to help people around get along well with each other, so that everyone can work for common interests.

Most idealists lack interest in buying and selling, and many will pursue careers in the field of natural science. They usually choose to deal with language and want to communicate with others directly or indirectly. Idealists are very easy to be infected by literary works, and tend to explain it with this natural susceptibility. They like any form of fictional description - stories, poems, legends and myths, which can make them feel happy and powerful.

Idealists are not limited to the study of literature. Idealists are highly concentrated in the field of social science. Especially in terms of mental rehabilitation, they can get great satisfaction in mental health services, and are used to choosing the most humanitarian method to provide service consultation.

They spare no effort to make people have a good sense of self, and are enthusiastic about morality and judgment of right and wrong, rather than cultivating a positive self-image. Idealists and guardians are moral guardians, but the former cares about happiness and the latter cares about justice.

In their work, they have a very special talent: recruitment, training, subordinates, development and advice. They are good at influencing the growth and maturity of others. They see education not as a process of training and verification, but as an invitation to personal relationships. Forming interpersonal relationships is very important for them. However, too much interference in other people's affairs may be annoying. Moreover, too many complex interpersonal relationships are easy to cause excessive mental load.

Personality Orientation

Altruism advocates that selfishness is immoral, while serving others is noble. The greatest happiness comes from selfless dedication to others, that is, self sacrifice. They will help others wholeheartedly. Of course, they desire a self realization effect.

They believe things easily and unreservedly, in sharp contrast to skeptical rational people. Idealists who are used to believing in others are very pure.

They try to reach a compromise with the difficulties in life. They feel that accidents are confusing and unexplainable, and can not be explained by any rational analysis. They bravely accept the idea that the results and causes of things cannot be recognized and described in words.

They are content to March, guide them to explore the meaning of survival, and take them to a higher level.

They are people of the future and pay more attention to what is going to happen than real life.

Sense of worth

Idealists are very emotional, that is, feelings come and go quickly. Fortunately, they tend to be positive, so their feelings often show great enthusiasm. Idealists trust the power of intuition and rely on first impressions without proof. Trust intuition without reservation. They will bring the feelings of others to their own feeling area and want to empathize, so as to pull into the distance. They are unswerving wanderers. They are eager for romance in all aspects. If not, they will cultivate. They devote a lot of time to pursue their own noumenon and the meaning of human nature, so as to express their true self, which is regarded as the most important career in life. In order to make them feel appreciated, we must face them and cater to their world view when they express their feelings. They are often misunderstood by people, or the mistake of playing a role under the influence of social reality. The praise of the people they care about is very important to them. Once it appears, it makes them feel satisfied. Saints are the most respected role models of idealists, that is, men and women who strive to overcome material, secular concerns and wise opinions eager for life.

Soul mate

Idealists are very different of all types in dealing with marriage. Other types of people have a practical attitude towards marriage. They think that their partner will make mistakes and compromise. Idealists, on the contrary, choose their lovers with a utopian attitude and often require romantic activities of partners and marriage. What they want is a mysterious and meaningful marriage relationship, and they also try to create it when it does not exist.

Mate selection

Idealists usually don't make a commitment to someone, but prefer to fall in love with someone at once to explore the possibility of developing a special intimate relationship. They don't like casual or temporary dating, and they uniquely expect the superficial relationship in the past to become profound. They like to talk about movies or novels that have deeply moved them, but they tend to talk about the profound meaning revealed in the story rather than simply describing the plot. This imaginative and meaningful way of communication and the ability to communicate freely with others often determine whether idealists can take a specific love relationship seriously.

Idealists can hardly find the kind of people they expect to share their inner world with them. It is a process of trial and error and needs to be searched carefully. For idealists, falling in love with someone means not only physical pleasure or social experience, but the process of opening up to another person. To some extent, it is the exposure of one's own soul, which contains the commitment and expectation of deep respect and mutual understanding.

Therefore, they are highly sensitive to rejection. When the other party shows contempt, they have to take the initiative to break the relationship. The emotional breakdown will do them great harm. So that they sometimes avoid entanglement with others because of fear, or go to the other extreme, that is, they keep a relationship against their heart, just to delay the mental injury they must experience when breaking up.


Idealists can perceive the inner amorous and poetic feelings of the people they love from the slightest signs, believe that everyone has the potential of spiritual growth, and intend to use love to tap the potential of their partners. Perhaps idealists are unwilling to admit that these romantic ideas often have a strong sexual impulse and become a kind of trouble. Idealists' sexuality may be very different. On the one hand, they insist that sex must be an expression of love, not desire; On the other hand, in their ideal world, they are very enthusiastic and easily touched by beautiful bodies and sexuality.

Once two people combine, idealists will feel supreme happiness. However, expectation attracts them more than the combination itself. The reality of daily life has lost its mysterious color, and there is commonness and lack. Other types of people, of course, feel that there are differences in their lives, but they will transform these differences through adjustment, travel, and efforts. However, male idealists are the most vulnerable in this regard. They tend to find a new lover rather than make efforts to develop an existing relationship. Female idealists will not. On the contrary, they will become more and more involved, continue to romanticize the relationship and believe in its perfection. For male idealists, intimacy may lead to instability; For women, it is an indispensable part.

However, it is worth noting that the 1960s and 1970s may have originated from the imagination of female idealists for a more perfect marriage relationship. Most of the members of the pioneer organization of sexual liberation are female idealists (especially strivers). They are not ready to sacrifice for love at any time, but prefer to survive in order to find the possibility of a more satisfactory way to get along with men.

However, most idealists do not regard the social customs of marriage as more important than their personal commitments. Therefore, when they are convinced that they have made a deeper union with each other and exchanged vows, they are deemed to have been married. The wedding ceremony and understanding become an unnecessary burden, and may appear flustered and dazed by the altar. It will not return to normal until you are alone with your spouse afterwards.

These idealists are warm, generous, lively and affectionate. They are cautious and sensitive to interpersonal relationships. They are very attractive to people of other temperament types. Art creators feel that the romantic feeling they use with ingenuity is very kind, and can be morally sublimated due to the ethical elements injected by idealists into marriage; Guardians are morally cautious about idealists, feel secure, and feel some vitality from their input; However, it is the rational who are most interested in the idealists, not only because of their common ground, but also because of the idealists' emotional vitality and their insight into human beings, which the rational lack.


No matter what kind of personality they marry, they may always love, support and understand their wife or husband. Idealists are unparalleled in the emotional world, adding their extraordinary sensitivity to their spouse's emotions and feelings and excellent emotional communication ability to their marriage life. They pay keen attention to the experience of others, instinctively show sympathy for their spouse, and are unwilling to use that moment to point out the mistakes made by their spouse, which is often impossible for people with other temperament.

Idealists are often proficient in the art of appreciation. They are used to generously expressing heartfelt praise to their lovers. Undoubtedly, idealists are the most affectionate, focused, loving and appreciative spouses, and will express these feelings without reservation.

They have the ability to completely plunge into the spiritual world of others, so that each other has a feeling that they fully understand and accept them. They believe that establishing an intimate and loving relationship is the most natural thing in the world. They are the real masters of the art of sex. Although sometimes this sensitivity comes at a price, and when emotions are limited, they will be upset. The feelings they get from their spouse are always beyond their ability to bear.

In addition, they are troubled by their spouse's emotional dependence, although sometimes their actions encourage these dependencies. If their spouse begins to show vulnerability and strong dependence, although they have promised, idealists will still hate this pressure. The lovers who were originally considered unique by them now have a feeling of being obviously denied by them. It is not that they intend to be mean, but that they want to escape the marriage that they can no longer control.

Idealists can hardly escape the call of career to set aside time for their families, and can't learn to get away from any complex affairs, so as to ensure that their families occupy the primary position in their lives. Those idealists who can't arrange the priorities of affairs are tempted to constantly empathize and don't hesitate to give up the deepening of existing love and devote their energy to the pursuit of new love. However, most idealists will be greatly satisfied by developing single-minded love. They pay attention to cultivating the romantic mood in marriage and have the dual identity of lover and partner. However, sex at the beginning of marriage will disappoint idealists, because they are surprisingly simple in this regard, and they are often more enthusiastic, less skilled, and unwilling to try other methods.

Idealists are generally good at social activities, extroverted and very active in social activities; Introverts tend to create a private space at home. However, they are considerate of family members and usually remember the anniversary. Similarly, if the meaningful anniversary for them is forgotten by others, they will be very hurt.

Idealists extremely appreciate the free and easy and natural nature of the art creator spouse in the real world, which is very different from their life experience of suffering and guilt. In addition, the characteristics of art creator partners who love to enjoy sensory enjoyment and boldly meet sexual desire also attract idealists and stimulate their romantic imagination. But this kind of marriage also contains unsatisfactory seeds, that is, art creators lack interest in talking about the connotation of their life.

Being with a guardian partner makes idealists feel comfortable and reassuring stability at home, giving them a sense of being down-to-earth. The guardian also has a firm, accurate view of right and wrong that awes the often hesitant idealists. Both belong to social collaborators, which reduces the conflict and contradiction in life norms. However, guardians are confused in the process of sharing the rich connotation of idealists, and may disappoint their idealist partners. They listen faithfully and try to please idealists, but sooner or later the latter will feel unappreciated and put pressure on both.

It is easy to marry people with the same temperament, and often get along very well. Their exploration of each other's inner world satisfies each other, and may also create a wonderful sexual relationship for a while. However, too much similarity and too much time to pursue spiritual goals will inevitably invade each other's private space and lead to uneasiness on both sides.

Choosing a rational person as a spouse seems to be the best guarantee for the success of idealists. The basis of their mutual coordination is that both of them basically live in an abstract world. After dating other types, the occasional rational person will make the idealist feel that he has found a new world and is eager to imagine the distant future. At the same time, what fascinates people is the calmness and autonomy of rational people. These two characteristics firmly grasp their own nature, so that idealists who are easy to be excited and introspective admire it and hope to emulate it. Of course, the two are not always so harmonious. The conflict between idealists' good emotional expression and rational self-control, intuition and logic, ethics and technical pragmatism also challenges the perfect combination. Idealists always try to break through the resistance and superficial indifference of rational people to express their feelings. It is conceivable that there are sparks everywhere. Perhaps it is because of these sparks that idealists have a special liking for rational people.


They are a group of enthusiastic little guys, known as grumpy people, because their feelings are extremely easy to stimulate, and sometimes expressed in an amazing strong momentum. When I was a child, I was always inspired by a passion and could hardly keep my feelings calm. They may speak early, outgoing, and never stop talking in the eyes of their parents; Introverts also have strong feelings, but they are often shy of expression. Perhaps there are some difficulties in interpersonal communication, especially outside the family.

Although idealist children may sometimes be irritable, they can also be likable, which is a sincere expression of their human enthusiasm for understanding others. They show all kinds of behaviors very early, but unfortunately, in most cases, they rarely have behavior models. Not many elders are good at social activities, so they must understand and improve themselves.

Idealist children are often sensitive to the closest people. When family members have a harmonious relationship, they feel peaceful. When their parents or compatriots are sad, they also become sad. With a happy family, children's self-esteem can develop earlier and faster; On the contrary, it lacks the defense ability to deal with problems calmly.

They tend to try to show their good intentions to others rather than provide specific help. Since childhood, they have high moral expectations and hope that their attitude and behavior towards others are perfect. Pretending in front of people makes them feel very uncomfortable. They rarely seek applause. Of course, they also try to adapt to others and like to be praised by adults, but they don't build their self-confidence on this.

They want others to recognize that they are an independent individual. They feel the difference between themselves and others, but they don't realize what the difference is. Idealist and rational children may feel alienated from others, but rational children still adhere to their own way, and idealist children are also very satisfied with their differences.

Idealist children need their parents to recognize their uniqueness and love their important role, which helps them identify their independent and valuable family membership. They need the message you are a special person, I value you, you are important to me.

This type of child trusts others most and believes in intuition more than code of conduct. In addition, when they listen to stories with other children, they are more likely than others to believe that the stories are true and even stubborn. They like to listen to a story repeatedly and make up some plots to narrate. They like the stories of medieval knights, princes, princesses, evil forces and witches. Parents should guide them to read stories with happy endings. The warriors finally win and the bad guys turn right. In this way, they will be attracted by eternal happiness, no matter how many hopes and dreams are destroyed by the ruthless reality in the future.

Idealist children have unreasonable value for toys. If they are lost or accidentally discarded by their parents, they will feel unfortunate. They treat toys more as friends. Of course, they will also be ridiculed and rejected by others, so as to experience the feeling of rejection of personality.

Idealist children are altruistic and worldwide. Moreover, such children are precocious and have a certain tendency of skepticism. They are always full of enthusiasm to explore some idea worthy of belief.

Always try to establish a close and harmonious relationship with their children. Expect to integrate into their children's lives and promote them with their own positive image. They are meticulous and never-ending to their children.

Development proposals

The secret of INFJ's success is: pay attention to details; Learn to be flexible; Whatever you do, be spontaneous and voluntary. Don't let others urge you.

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