MBTI ESFJ Personality Analysis

ESFJ - Consul | Host | Provider | Giver | Caregiver | Cupcake

📔 ESFJ高级人格档案







Feature overview

For esfj people, the most important thing is interpersonal relationship, and can really and concretely help others. They are generous and like to celebrate traditional festivals. The difference between esfj people is that they appreciate it. They see the problem clearly, distribute it easily, and then work hard with interest. Like most SJ people, esfj people are loyal to authority. They are willing to work for their superiors (the meaning of life) and hope their subordinates can do the same.

Detailed explanation of characteristics

Esfj people are vulnerable. When they are injured, they don't suppress their inner emotions. They are naturally easy to form and color. They treat people warmly and kindly, but there is no lack of time to reveal their inner bitterness. Some esfj people move this changeable emotion to the stage or screen to express it in the form of drama.

Esfj people's hearts are impacted by a strong and contradictory force. Their is an instinctive driving force that drives themselves very strongly to save all distorted truths. So when they find a transgressor, they will take quick and swift action, which may be followed by severe condemnation. Like administrators, esfj people can feel the potential dangers around them - internal causes, external factors, unscrupulous villains, sinister human weaknesses, etc., so this is an untrustworthy and dangerous world. Esfj people are not so suspicious as they are highly vigilant. Therefore, they are good security personnel and have excellent performance in the fields of medical care and primary education.

Friendly, positive and energetic; Talkative, friendly and sociable; Caring and considerate, cautious and polite, easy to work with; Practical and honest; Sentimental and vulnerable; Tradition is responsible and organized.

Caring, responsible and cooperative. We hope that the surrounding environment will be warm and harmonious, and we will resolutely create such an environment for this purpose. Like to complete tasks accurately and timely with others. Loyalty, even in small things. Be aware of the needs of others in daily life and try your best to help. I hope I and what I do can be recognized and appreciated by others.

Esfj people actively help others in a real and practical way through direct action and cooperation. They are friendly, compassionate and responsible.

Esfj people put their relationship with others in a very important position, so they often have harmonious interpersonal relationships and make great efforts to obtain and maintain such relationships. In fact, they often idealize the people or things they appreciate.

Esfj people often appreciate themselves and their achievements, so they are very sensitive to criticism or indifference from others. Usually they are decisive, express their firm opinions and are happy that things can be solved quickly.

Esfj people are very realistic. They are practical, realistic and orderly. They participate and can remember important things and details, are happy with others and are confident in their own affairs. They make plans or come up with ideas based on their own personal experience or the experience of people they trust. They know and participate in the material world around them, and like to be proactive and creative.

Esfj people are very cautious and traditional, so they can abide by their responsibilities and commitments. They support the existing system and are often active and cooperative members of committees or organizations. They attach importance to and can maintain good social relations. They work hard to help others, especially when they encounter difficulties or achieve success, they are very active.

Basic description

Supply is the act of providing others with daily necessities. Suppliers seem to be naturally keen to serve others and ensure that they have a sense of material adequacy and group belonging. They consciously assume the responsibility of taking care of the people around them and arranging their welfare treatment. They are also the most sociable people among the guardians. No matter where he goes, he will assume the role of social devotee and happily devote his time and energy to ensure that the needs of others are met, the tradition is maintained and developed, and satisfactorily perform his social responsibilities.

Because of their kindness or gentleness, they are more willing to choose the role of custodian. Moreover, they seem to like to become suppliers rather than protectors. They account for 10% of the population and 95% of women, which is a lucky thing for us, because cooperation and convenient society are the key to their human structure. They are good at working with their assistants and are tirelessly concerned about the details of all goods and service arrangements.

These expressive custodians are graceful, talkative and uneasy because they live alone. Even in a group of strangers, they can have a pleasant conversation. They showed a keen interest in small talk. They are more accustomed to thinking about visible rather than fictional things, and are easy to realize and discuss major or difficult things in people's life. They can't grasp abstract topics, but they tend to listen to recognized authorities, talk about theories about abstract things, and often rely on officially recognized views as their criteria and basis for judging things.

Social tradition is of great significance to suppliers, and their conversation often drifts to nostalgic narration of the experiences in the past good days. At the same time, because suppliers express their prediction of sadness and bad luck and show an infectious tragic tendency, they exert excessive pressure on others. They need to control their fear of the idea that the worst is bound to happen.

Suppliers are overly sensitive and are very willing to express this emotional response. They can express like or dislike quickly, and put the people they care about in a prominent position; For those who don't like it, it's rarely mentioned. They always mind the surface and take others' opinions on their personal commitments very seriously. His personal criticism will defeat them. Only when they and their services are recognized will they effectively perform their duties. They want to be needed and spend time and energy proving that they are trustworthy. They will become frustrated by being treated unkindly and are used to taking responsibility for any possible mistakes in their system or interpersonal relationships.

When choosing careers, suppliers may prefer service industries. When dealing with sales matters, suppliers demonstrate how to personalize sales. They obviously and honestly think about the welfare of customers. Therefore, customers buy not only goods from them, but also personal welfare. Their character makes them perform well in the work of many people. They rarely arouse the anger of leaders because they are duty and service-oriented, respect and obey rules and regulations. Loyal to the boss and able to be a competent private secretary and Office Receptionist.

Suitable occupation

Labor relations mediator, commodity planner, tourism project operator, tourism sales manager, preschool education teacher, career planning consultant, tourism management / tour guide, boutique and shopping mall salesperson, entertainment and catering customer manager, marketing personnel (consumer products), creative personnel, customer manager, photographer, community staff, fitness and sports coach


He is a reliable candidate who is well organized, loyal and complete the task from beginning to end. He likes to build order, structure and plan, likes to communicate with others, is enthusiastic and caring, puts the needs of others above himself, is good at giving practical help to others, cooperates and helps each other. He is a very excellent team member, down-to-earth, pays attention to practice, and advocates a peaceful and safe life, I like diversity, but I am also excellent in dealing with daily affairs. I need to be recognized by others, be satisfied in the process of giving, live in the present, and don't like the theoretical assumption of the future


Esfj is very enthusiastic. They attach great importance to their friends and family. They like to serve others, and their happiness comes from the happiness and joy of the people around them. Esfj's sincere enthusiasm, caring nature and their ability to tap the potential of others are highly respected by the surrounding people. They are usually not good at controlling conflict situations, but also show a certain desire for control and manipulation. Interpersonal communication is the core of their life. Therefore, they will invest a lot of time and energy to cultivate and maintain these interpersonal ties. At the same time, they expect others to do the same.

Spare no effort to perform their duties and obligations; Warm and friendly nature, willing to identify with others; Have a sense of service and like to please others; Be very serious about your commitment and seek love that can grow old together; Responsible and down-to-earth, is a reliable person to deal with daily affairs; It is usually positive and very popular, and has a great attraction to the surrounding people; Usually very good at financial management; Ideological tradition, with family concept, often hold family celebrations and traditional special activities

They are often uncomfortable with changes and new environments; Extreme aversion to conflict and criticism; Need a lot of positive affirmation from others to obtain self satisfaction; It is possible to pay too much attention to power status and pay attention to others' views on themselves; It is difficult to accept the end of feelings, and always blame all the sins on yourself; It's hard to accept that close people around you have any negative problems; Lack of attention to their own needs, often make self sacrifice; May use conspiracy to achieve their own goals

Esfj lover

Esfj always pays special attention to and takes care of his lover. They are often very traditional and serious about commitment. Once esfj says I do, they will definitely spend a lot of time and energy to realize their commitment to this relationship.

Esfj hope that others can appreciate their true self and appreciate their efforts for others. This need for recognition sometimes makes them extremely eager for emotional satisfaction. If the desire is hard to satisfy, they may also constantly hint to their loved ones to seek recognition for themselves. Esfj is particularly intolerant of contradictions or criticism. Any form of criticism is an insult to their own personality. This potential problem is what esfj needs to pay attention to. In the face of other people's negative evaluation or lack of positive recognition, esfj usually shows loss and begins to abandon himself. As esfj's lover, a grateful heart is the best gift to them.

Esfj is very concerned about social status and other people's views. They should be careful not to let this emotion affect their feelings.

In terms of sex, esfj are enthusiastic and loving. They see sex as an opportunity to express their love and receive each other's love. Many ESFJs prefer traditional, regular sex. However, with the accumulation of their knowledge and relevant information, this formula will eventually be broken. Esfj has a strong sense of service. They will pay great attention to making their partner happy.

Esfj are down-to-earth, so they are very good at family management. They are usually very responsible for the daily needs of their families, and they are always cautious in finance. They like a safe and peaceful life and will make unremitting efforts to achieve their goals, partners and family.

Most esfj need a sense of belonging very much. This demand often makes them very social talent, willing to attend parties, and hold some parties from time to time. They usually want their partners to share their social experience.

Although two individuals of any personality type can have a healthy relationship as long as their personality develops completely. However, the natural partner more suitable for esfj is ISFP, ISFJ or infp personality. Esfj's dominant function extroverted emotion is the best match with the dominant function introverted emotion of the two personality types.


No matter what you do, you need courage.

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